Basic Information
Level 15
Exp 734000

L15. Messi's Dining Table (REP)

Thanksgiving is November. I should prepare a Thanksgiving dinner.

When she says this, she looks at the fat turkey she raised.

Are you going to kill Flame and eat it?

But even though it's been sneakily eating my corn, we've been raising him for so long, I've always felt it's hard to let him go.

But if you don't kill it, what will you do to make the obligatory Thanksgiving turkey?

Can I ask you to help me prepare some Thanksgiving meat? I will prepare a gift as a thank you!

Go look for the Messi Family's to see about it.

If Messi's Wife doesn't want to do it, maybe you can do it for her?

*For this task, you first need to talk to the turkey, Flame.
Please prepare the Thanksgiving meat for me. I will prepare a gift as a thank you.