Basic Information
Level 20
Exp 5740

L26. Before the Storm I

Charlotte wanted me to tell you: 'I'll go to the Highland Altar!

You go and have a look around!'.

After Waer says this while imitating Charlotte, he scratches his head.

It seems like he's a bit frustrated with Charlotte's unorthodox style.

Not long ago we received word that the Elsaland might lead their forces south. That's kept everyone pretty busy.

If you want to find some real answers, you may need to enlist some help.

Recently, soldiers have spotted a giant Sprite out in the wilderness.

It just so happens that area is also a gathering spot for savage apes.

If you clear out the monsters there, you could kill two birds... well... monsters with one stone, right? Seek out William when you're done!

There is no guarantee that he will help you, though.
The apes out there seem are causing us no small amount of trouble.

If it weren't for them, our preparations would be going a lot more smoothly.

William frowns, seeming to forget you're there for a short while.

Who are you? We're in no position to take in travelers right now.

Please tell me what you need, but don't expect too much.

Hunt Monster
Plateau Ape x9
Male Plateau Ape x9
Travel to
Belcar Plateau (X:478.904,Y:112.913)
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