Basic Information
Level 77
Exp 360000

L79. Unfair Request - 2

Of course, you did. But seeing as Aja is so unreliable, I'm going to personally deliver this next batch for Burr.

If I don't, Aja will screw this up, and Asi will be unhappy... and that's just bad for business.

Go and fetch me some hard shells as well as some acid from the tame worker ants. That ought to satisfy Burr.
Hey, I thought I told you to visit Meric and persuade him to prepare some things. I'm sure that's what I told you!

Huh...? That's not what I said? Oh. I see. Then what are you doing here?

Right. Let's get it over with--I'm getting really tired of this circus.

Collect from Monster
Jale Steam Machine Mercenaries (170 Puntos)
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