Basic Information
Level 10
Exp 5000

L12. Equipment Production Training

Sprites can accomplish many tasks, and they excel at collecting resources and crafting equipment. Gildhorn smiled proudly.

You should always gather resources. Be prepared for anything the world throws at you, even if it's bird poop! And believe me, there's plenty of bird poop in this world.

Let's see what you can do! Use Aruka's Sword Crafting skill to create a level 14 Sprite's Well-Made Iron Sword!

* Note: Aruka is a special Sprite that can assist the Sprite Messenger in completing a series of Sprite-related crafting quests. Don't return Aruka before you complete the quest L17. Sprite Return Training.

*Note that if a Sprite Messenger loses Aruka's Horn of Departure Day or returns Aruka to the portal of Kaslow, look for the NPC selling Sprite Beginner's Guide - Gildhorn and purchase it. Kaslow City (126, 271).

*You cannot abandon this quest
To craft a Sprite's Well-Made Iron Sword, you must first upgrade the sword-making category of a Sprite to the correct level.

Next, prepare 1 Well-Made Iron Sword, 24 Dry Branches, and 3 Lily Bulbs.

Sometimes, crafting fails. If that happens, you've just got to try, try again - and prepare yourself better the next time around!

*Nia's Textbook is required to complete the quest. If this book is lost, a replacement can be purchased from the NPC Sprite Beginner's Guide Gildhorn near the Kaslow Portal. Kaslow City (126, 271).

*Note that if a Sprite Messenger loses Aruka's Horn of Departure Day or returns Aruka to the portal of Kaslow, look for the NPC selling Sprite Beginner's Guide - Gildhorn and purchase it. Kaslow City (126, 271).

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