Basic Information
Level 56
Exp 278000

L58. Collect Explosives (REP)

One can use the eyes of Spitfire Dragons and Scorching Spiders to make explosives, though ordinary people could never obtain them.

It should be a piece of cake for a capable %c% like you, right? Black forest cake - or maybe even cheesecake. Mmm. I could use some right now.

Oops, I got off track. Go to Blakatoa Range to collect supplies. Watch out for beasts. When you finish, go to Akir, Kaslow's Captain, to get your reward.

How's it going? Did you collect those eyeballs? Wow, that's not something you hear every day, now is it?

Personally, the idea of a box full of squishy eyeballs freaks me out. I'm sure you're used to that kind of thing by now, though.

Collect from Monster
Kaslow Royal Family (585 Puntos)