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Level 15
Exp 184950

L52. Unquenchable Longing

You read the letter written by Helper Hawk.

I was born in Ilya. I came here 8 years ago to work with the Professor. During my time here, I built mechanical birds to deliver letters home.

Unfortunately, my letters never receive a response. I'm quite confident in my mechanical birds, yet their signals always disappear in the Misty Wetlands.

I believe the Bonecrushing Crocodile or the Eifell Guardian may sabotage them en route. I need your help getting to the bottom of this.
My mechanical devices incorporate only the finest technologies. I genuinely don't think the error is on my part, or that my family is purposely ignoring my letters. I think someone (or something) is sabotaging my robo-birds.

I cannot return to Ilya until I can prove to my family that I've accomplished something big.

Jale Steam Corporation >=25000