Basic Information
Level 25
Exp 6888

L26. Reasons for Hostility

I found that on the Belcar Plateau, the biggest difference between apes and the Swift Dragons was that latter's treatment of other animal groups amounted to massacre.

Once an animal fell into the hands of the Swift Dragons, it ended up devoured, regardless of if it was chewy, gamey, or bitter.

Many species became extinct on the plateau during the Swift Dragons' territory expansion.

- Please read this book to complete the mission

(You read on to understand the strife between the two groups.)

One day, a young female ape placed her infant ape on a rock. A group of Swift Dragons spotted it and devoured it.

The mother heard her infant's shriek and ran to its side, but by the time she got there, the dragons had slurped up the last of its blood.

After the dragons left, the mother ape picked up the remains of her infant and returned to the camp, heartbroken.

Hunt Monster
Highland Raptor x18
Quill Publishing (150 Puntos)
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