Basic Information
Level 25
Exp 6060

L25. The Apes

During my years of zoological research, I found that the apes on Belcar Plateau have a sophisticated social structure.

There are two classes: normal apes, like Plateau Ape and Marquis Kong that live in groups south of the plateau, and the combat acts who protect them.

These apes are trained in combat and are both banana- and blood-thirsty. Their leader, Bling Kong, has established an effective training system.

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Before Bling Kong became the leader, the apes often fought over the leadership, which resulted in division among ethnic factions. The apes became exhausted by this constant struggle.

Bling Kong, though, was smarter than the average ape, and quite a bit better at fighting, too. He beat his enemies into submission and was quickly accepted as the apes' leader. He brought together the warring factions, creating a much stronger, unified force.

Hunt Monster
Plateau Ape x9
Male Plateau Ape x9
Quill Publishing (150 Puntos)
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