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L74. After the Tribe is Divided

Chapter 4: The Birth of Gray Yetis

Gradually, the hair of the dissenters grew darker and darker; hence, this northern branch of the Yetis became known as Gray Yetis.

As for the original Yetis tribes in the south, they remained the Yetis.

Eventually, Gray Yetis established their own tribe in the east of the Frost Dragons' habitat. They continued their uphill battle against the vicious beasts.

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Living in the north of the Winterflake Forest was much harder than in the south. In addition, their hair turning gray made them uneasy and uncertain about themselves. Thus, the worship of the deity Winder God was gradually spreading in Gray Yetis's tribe.

However, the so-called Winder God Belief was actually not that different from the Yeti God Belief in nature, except for the name.

You can say that Gray Yetis just changed the name of the god they once worshipped and converted all over again.

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