Basic Information
Level 60
Exp 417000

L60. Whisper of Sprite King

The Mandible of Agony, Toroso, is causing trouble again. That crazy giant ant is one ferocious bug!

What's more, it ate one of the Holy Instruments, Bodor's Sword of Murmur, and evolved. Now it's enormous and extremely powerful.

It'll take more than a can of Raid to get rid of this ant problem. Please hurry!

Upon obtaining the Sprite instrument, put it before the megalith at Ancient City of Vines. We'll provide further explanation on how to proceed.
The shape of Bodor's Sword of Murmur resembles a tuning fork. With this sword, the holder can hear voices from far away. If you use it in conjunction with Bodor's Peeking Eyes, you'll always know exactly what's happening around the world.

A talented user can even reverse the effect and talk to anyone he or she desires free from the time-space boundaries... and you never run out of minutes!

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