Basic Information
Level 60
Exp 417000

L60. Vision of the Sprite King

The city, once booming, has now become desolate. Its pool is contaminated, and the monsters who dwell within have become violent.

I believe one of the Holy Instruments, Bodor's Peeking Eyes, is in the stomach of the Tainted Soul Molilada.

This sludge monster has grown huge. Please defeat it and fetch me the instrument.

Upon obtaining the Sprite instrument, put it before the megalith at Ancient City of Vines. We'll provide further explanation on how to proceed.
Bodor's Peeking Eyes is a crystal orb that allows the holder to see beyond space and know everything going on around the world. It's extremely powerful.

If the user's spirtual power is high enough, he can even see through time and peer into the future or past.

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