Basic Information
Stack-Size 250


Grassland Knight's Epic Diamond Treasure Chest
Open to randomly receive 1 of the following items:

Cyan Rainbow Rock x25

Tardy's Starsky Flute x1, Nemann's Fantasy Flute x1

Sonya's Heart Flute x1, Mori's Wisdom Flute x1

Sean's Ritual Flute x1, Myge's Sunshine Flute x1

Hardening Forest Meteor x4, Dexterity Forest Meteor x4

Blazing Forest Meteor x4, Mighty Forest Meteor x4

Arcane Forest Meteor x4, Hunting Forest Meteor x4

Assault Forest Meteor x4, Piercing Forest Meteor x4

Guardian Forest Meteor x4

Bodor's Knight Shard Blueprint x1

Colorful Forest Meteor x4

Eternal Bodor's Tears x1, Eternal Bodor's Soul x1

Eternal Bodor's Blood x1, Eternal Bodor's Spirit x1

Star Sprite Energy Pack x1

"The most precious treasure chest hidden deep in the Grassland Knight's Sanctuary."